Expression Praise Ministry
Gabby Woodard enjoys expressing herself and uplifting the name of Jesus through dance.
The praise dance ministry is to encourage and uplift God’s people through expressive movements while conveying an uplifting message. These spiritual conncetions of the soul are made possible through the direction of the Holy Spirit. In worship in dance, the lyrics of songs are inspired by God’s Word which come to life while allowing an opportunity to experience God’s glorious presence.
- To encourage kids to wonder about the unique story God is telling with their lives and how their story might connect with God’s big story of salvation through Jesus.
- To help kids discover how God uniquely created them and wonder how they can use their unique gifts to love others and change the world together with Jesus.
We’ll encourage kids to practice healthy community and help them wonder how learning from, caring for, and loving others can help their relationship with Jesus grow.
- To encourage kids to wonder how they can get to know and become more like Jesus through worship, prayer, and reading and memorizing the words God gave us in the Bible.
Children’s Ministry was a priority for Jesus and the disciples didn’t agree. However, he made time to minister to children and considered them the greatest in the mission field. As adults, we must invest our time and resources in areas we are mostly likely witness the greatest the harvest.
Children’s ministry is a major growth engine of “The Way”. When we reach children, we are reaching the parents. In spite of delivering great worship and messages to parents, if the children are not connecting they won’t stick around for long. Children’s Ministry is not childcare and it’s ministry is offered at the most critical and formative time in a person’s life. Children’s Ministry staff is one of your most valuable partners in any ministry – take good care of them.
Children are not the church of tomorrow, but today. Our mission is to include everyone in each child’s village; grandparents, parents, and children. “The Way” makes it a priority to in involve them in the life of the entire church and provide opportunities to greet, pray, read scripture, serve, and more. We are a church that believes God will pour out His financial blessings on a church that invests in reaching and discipling children.
Our youth were graced with school supplies and book bags to start the school year off. As we donate to their lives, it gives hope, encouragement and aspirations needed to become successful. Thanks to everyone that donated and made this event a great success; especially the ones who took charge.