Women’s Ministry

Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry is a growing field which centers on meeting the spiritual needs of Christian women and helping them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.  Our primary goal is to assemble the women of the church to share time growing in their spiritual knowledge and love of God.

The Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry of "The Way' encourages women of all ages to participate in scheduled events to obtain spiritual learning while demonstrating and empowering the love of God to one another. It's also designed to encourage women, highlight their contributions, and educate the church body about lifestyle issues that affect women. The goal is to enhance each woman's walk with God and to become greater women for the Lord's kingdom.

Women In Action

To encourage women to a lifestyle of devotion and obedience to Christ they love Him. Also, to walk in the power of His Holy Spirt become fully transformed by the power of His Word into His likeness.
About us

Helping women never doubt that they are Valuable & Powerful

Holiness. Scripture tells us more than once, “Be Holy!”  Our world does not encourage holiness so when our lives reflect His life, we stand out in a crowd, different than those around us. Sometimes it’s not an easy place to be, but as we walk in holiness, He is honored.

Humility.   Our team members, including ourselves, must remember that we serve out of a “call” and out of obedience to that call. All power and glory goes to the one who calls not to a person.

Word-saturated. We can never substitute serving for relationship with Christ. If our daily walk with Him is not covered in the study of the Word, the ministry we represent will have a hard time being Word-saturated.

Brokenness. It’s only when we are broken in our weaknesses and failures that we understand who He really is in our lives. This is how we understand the brokenness of the women we seek to reach. Allow God to penetrate your heart as you understand just what sin does to His heart.

Prayerfulness. Just like being in the Word continually, we must keep our hearts open to His presence through no only concentrated time in prayer, but a sense of His presence 24/7. Stop in the midst of discussions with your team to lift the issue to the Lord, THEN address it. Model this type of prayer life for those you lead.

Teachable. If we think we have all the answers, know enough Scripture, and have all the leadership skills we need, we are in for a huge fall!  We will never know enough. We must be life-long learners. If those we lead think we know it all, they do not feel we need them, and they will never identity with us because they know they do not know it all!

Integrity. Often we do not see integrity modeled in leadership in our culture today, including within the church. Do a word search in Scripture on the word “integrity” and you will see how important that is to our Lord. Integrity is one of the primary way we influence others. If our integrity is in question, so is all of our leadership.


Come join us

We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and strive to be better than we were yesterday.


We organize inclusive events for Women & Girls

Our impact
Influencing the way women, organizations, and movements think and act.

Women's Prayer Breakfast

Want to make a difference?

Be the change that you look to see in others. Live on purpose.