Exhibiting Excellence, Engaging The Congregation and Embracing Our Fellow Servants.
Praise & Worship Team
Our Impact
“The Way’s” worship team exists to create an atmosphere for the congregation to praise and worship through music. It is our desire to lead God’s people to His throne into meaningful worship by the way of musical excellence, creativity, and passion. Above all, we desire for God’s glory to shine in all we do as a worship team. (Colossians 3:16-17; 1 Corinthian 10:31).
At “The Way”, worship is not what we do, It’s a lifestyle!
Motivated to Win Souls
Our first priority is that every part of our services be God-honoring, Christ-focused, reliant upon the Spirit’s work, and entirely consistent with Scripture and the doctrinal statement of the church. Our primary purpose is to please God, not man, so truth is paramount. As we minister, we understand that only the Word of God in conjunction with the Spirit can change hearts and draw people to worship, so content trumps presentation and creativity.
Worship Is Our Lifestyle
It is our responsibility as believers to live a life of integrity. This means that we behave the same at church, at work, and at home: we seek to honor Christ with our attitudes, speech, and actions regardless of where we are or who we are with. We still sin, but when we do, we deal with it through confession and repentance, and we understand that everything we do reflects on our Lord and Master so we strive to live uprightly and blamelessly before all. We understand our accountability before God and the leaders of the church and our ministries.
Elder Kaji Worship Leader
“We have built the team of ministers who committed their lives to worship in spirit and in truth with music and singing to participate in ministry in the church and beyond.”
Our Praise and Worship Ministry is called to unite the parishioners in our church services in worshiping God. We shift our focus and attention on Him by the means of music and words, talents and gifts, to praise God and to worship Him, to reflect God (His actions, thoughts, will, desires, feelings, character), being in harmony with prayer, ministry of the word and revealing the character of events in the service.
Praise & Worship Team
Elder Kaji Woodard
Worship Leader
Shanique Holt
Worship Leader
Gerard Stanley
Worship Team
Adrian Singletary
Worship Team
Earleen Singletary
Worship Team
Patricia Miller
Worship Team
Kason Dewitt
Musician (Keyboard)
Nicolus Brand
Musician (Bass Guitar)