Assistant Pastor Elder Kaji Woodard

Asst. Pastor Kaji Woodard

"Doing the work of the father is who I am. Ministry is my passion and serving is what I love and do best!"

About Me

I am strong yet weak; confident yet humble; bold yet teachable. In the paradox, I am content in the present while dreaming about the future. My will is to go forward in the things of God as the ministry flourish. My desire is to help further the vision of the visionaries, which will help mold and make me into the disciple that God wants me to be.  I am constantly encouraging others in the faith to hold on to God because you will be rewarded with your hearts desires in due time if you faint not. I am dedicated, responsible and loveable towards all mankind serving my leaders and the Kingdom of God. I am the proud father of my only child and son Aadien Jamal Woodard whom I love dearly. 


Years of Ministry

Awards & Honors